Source code for craw.scripts.craw_coverage

#! /usr/bin/env python3

#                                                                         #
# This file is part of Counter RNAseq Window (craw) package.              #
#                                                                         #
#    Authors: Bertrand Neron                                              #
#    Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Institut Pasteur (Paris).                    #
#    see COPYRIGHT file for details.                                      #
#                                                                         #
#    craw is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify         #
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by #
#    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or    #
#    (at your option) any later version.                                  #
#                                                                         #
#    craw is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,              #
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of       #
#    See the GNU General Public License for more details.                 #
#                                                                         #
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License    #
#    along with craw (see COPYING file).                                  #
#    If not, see <>.                          #
#                                                                         #

import os
import sys
import argparse
import itertools
import logging
import pysam

import craw
from craw.util import progress
from craw import argparse_util
from craw import annotation, coverage
from craw.wig import WigParser

[docs]def positive_int(value): """ Parse value given by the parser :param value: the value given by the parser :type value: string :return: the integer corresponding to the value :rtype: int :raise: :class:`argparse.ArgumentTypeError` """ try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("must be a positive integer, got: {}".format(value)) if value < 0: msg = "must be a positive integer, got: {}".format(value) raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError(msg) return value
[docs]def quality_checker(value): """ Parse value given by the parser :param value: the value given by the parser :type value: string :return: the integer >=0 and <=42 corresponding to the value :rtype: int :raise: :class:`argparse.ArgumentTypeError` if value does not represent a integer >=0 and <=42 """ try: value = int(value) except ValueError: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("must be a integer between 0 and 42, got: {}".format(value)) if not 0 <= value <= 42: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("must be a integer between 0 and 42, got: {}".format(value)) return value
[docs]def get_result_header(annot_parser, parsed_args): """ Compute the header for the results. the firts lines start with # they contains some general information about the craw (version) and options used (for tracbility) the last line is the header of columns separated by --sep option and can be used as header with pandas :param annot_parser: the annotation parser :type annot_parser: :class:`annotation.AnnotationParser` object :param parsed_args: the command line argument parsed with argparse :type parsed_args: :class:`argparse.Namespace` :return: The header of the result file :rtype: str """ def version_infos(): header = "# Running Counter RnAseq Window craw_coverage\n" commented_ver = get_version_message().rstrip().replace('\n', '\n# ') header += """# # Version: {} # # craw_coverage run with the following arguments: """.format(commented_ver) return header def options(): options = '' for a, v in sorted(parsed_args.__dict__.items()): if v is None or v is False: continue else: if v is True: options += "# --{opt}\n".format(opt=a.replace('_', '-')) else: options += "# --{opt}={val}\n".format(opt=a.replace('_', '-'), val=v) options.rstrip() + '\n' return options def padded_header(): metadata = '\t'.join([str(f) for f in annot_parser.header]) if parsed_args.start_col: max_left, max_right = annot_parser.max() pos = '\t'.join(str(p) for p in range(0 - max_left, max_right + 1)) else: pos = '\t'.join(str(p) for p in range(0 - parsed_args.before, parsed_args.after + 1)) s = "sense\t{metadata}\t{pos}".format(metadata=metadata, pos=pos) return s def sum_header(): metadata = '\t'.join([str(f) for f in annot_parser.header]) return "sense\t{metadata}\tcoverage".format(metadata=metadata) def resized_header(new_size): metadata = '\t'.join([str(f) for f in annot_parser.header]) pos = '\t'.join([str(i) for i in range(new_size)]) return "sense\t{metadata}\t{pos}".format(metadata=metadata, pos=pos) header = version_infos() header += options() if parsed_args.justify: header += resized_header(parsed_args.justify) elif parsed_args.sum: header += sum_header() else: header += padded_header() return header
[docs]def get_version_message(): """ :return: The human readable CRAW version. :rtype: str """ version_text = craw.get_version_message() version_text += """ Using: - pysam {pysam_ver} (samtools {samtools_ver}) - scipy {sp_ver} (only for --justify opt) """.format(pysam_ver=pysam.__version__, samtools_ver=pysam.__samtools_version__, sp_ver=craw.coverage.scipy.__version__) return version_text
[docs]def get_results_file(sense_opt, basename, suffix): """ :param str sense_opt: how to managed the sense and antisense results * **mixed**: sense and antisense are interleaved in same file * **split**: sense and antisense are in separated files * **S**: only sense results are write down * **AS**: only antisense are write down :param str basename: the basename of the results file :param str suffix: the suffix of the results file :return: the file objects where to write sense and antisense results :rtype: tuple (`file object` sense, `file object` antisense) """ if sense_opt == 'S': sense_filename = "{filename}.sense.{suffix}".format(filename=basename, suffix=suffix) sense = open(sense_filename, 'w') antisense = open(os.devnull, 'w') elif sense_opt == 'AS': sense = open(os.devnull, 'w') antisense_filename = "{filename}.antisense.{suffix}".format(filename=basename, suffix=suffix) antisense = open(antisense_filename, 'w') elif sense_opt == 'split': sense_filename = "{filename}.sense.{suffix}".format(filename=basename, suffix=suffix) sense = open(sense_filename, 'w') antisense_filename = "{filename}.antisense.{suffix}".format(filename=basename, suffix=suffix) antisense = open(antisense_filename, 'w') else: output_filename = "{filename}.{suffix}".format(filename=basename, suffix=suffix) sense = open(output_filename, 'w') antisense = sense return sense, antisense
[docs]def parse_args(args): """ :param args: The options set on the command line (without the program name) :type args: list of string :return: """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) input_grp = parser.add_argument_group() input_grp.add_argument("-b", "--bam", help="""The path of the bam file to analyse. --bam option is not compatible with any --wig or --wig-for or --wig-rev options. but at least --bam or any of --wig* options is required.""") input_grp.add_argument("-w", "--wig", help="""The path of the wig file to analyse. The file encode the coverage for the both strand. The positive coverage ar on the forward strand whereas the negative coverage a located on the reverse one. The --wig option is incompatible with both --bam or --wig-for or --wig-reverse options.""") input_grp.add_argument("--wig-for", metavar='FORWARD WIG', help="""The path of a wig file to analyse. This file encode the coverage for the forward strand. The --wig-for option is incompatible with both --bam or --wig options.""") input_grp.add_argument("--wig-rev", metavar='REVERSE WIG', help="""The path of a wig file to analyse. This file encode the coverage for the reverse strand. The --wig-rev option is incompatible with both --bam or --wig options.""") parser.add_argument("-a", "--annot", required=True, help="The path of the annotation file (required).") parser.add_argument("--qual-thr", dest='qual_thr', type=quality_checker, default=15, help="The minimal quality of read mapping to take it in account") parser.add_argument("-s", "--suffix", default="cov", help="The name of the suffix to use for the output file.") parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output', help="The path of the output (default= base name of annotation file with --suffix)") parser.add_argument('--sep', default='\t', help="the separator use to delimit the annotation fields") mutually_exclusive_opt = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() mutually_exclusive_opt.add_argument('--justify', type=positive_int, help="to resize all genes coverage to this new size.") mutually_exclusive_opt.add_argument('--sum', action='store_true', default=False, help="sum all the coverages on the window.") region_grp = parser.add_argument_group(title="region of interest", description="""Parameters which define regions to compute. There is 2 way to define regions: * all regions have same length. * each region have different lengths. In both case a position of reference must be define (--ref-col). If all regions have same length: --window define the number of nucleotide to take in account before and after the reference position (the window will be centered on reference) --before define the number of nucleotide to take in account before the reference position. --after define the number of nucleotide to take in account after the reference position. --before and --after allow to define non centered window. --after and --before options must be set together and are incompatible with --window option. If all regions have different lengths: The regions must be specified in the annotation file. --start-col define the name of the column in annotation file which define the start position of the region to compute. --stop-col define the name of the column in annotation file which define the stop position of the region to compute. """) region_grp.add_argument("--ref-col", default="position", help="The name of the column for the reference position (default: position).") region_grp.add_argument("--before", type=positive_int, help="The number of base to compute after the position of reference.") region_grp.add_argument("--after", type=positive_int, help="The number of base to compute before the position of reference.") region_grp.add_argument("--window", type=positive_int, help="The number of base to compute around the position of reference.") region_grp.add_argument("--start-col", help="The name of the column to define the start position.") region_grp.add_argument("--stop-col", help="The name of the column to define the stop position.") col_name = parser.add_argument_group(title="specify the name of columns") col_name.add_argument("--strand-col", default='strand', help="Specify the name of the column representing the strand (default: strand)") col_name.add_argument("--chr-col", default='chromosome', help="Specify the name of the column representing the chromosome (default: chromosome)") parser.add_argument("--sense", choices=('S', 'AS', 'split', 'mixed'), default='mixed', help="compute result only on: " "sense (S), " "antisense (AS), " "on both senses but produce two separated files (split), " "or in one file (mixed)." "(default: mixed)" ) parser.add_argument("--version", action=argparse_util.VersionAction, version=get_version_message()) parser.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="count", default=0, help="Reduce verbosity.") parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="Increase verbosity.") parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args) input_opt_group = (parsed_args.bam, parsed_args.wig, parsed_args.wig_for, parsed_args.wig_rev) wig_opt_group = (parsed_args.wig, parsed_args.wig_for, parsed_args.wig_rev) ############################# # Check wig and bam options # ############################# if not any(input_opt_group): raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "At least one of these options must be specified" " '--bam', '--wig' , '--wig-for', '--wig-rev'.") elif all(input_opt_group): raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "'--bam', '--wig' , '--wig-for', '--wig-rev' cannot specify at the same time.") elif parsed_args.bam and any(wig_opt_group): raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "'--bam' option cannot be specified in the same time as" " '--wig', '--wig-for' or '--wig-rev' options.") elif parsed_args.wig and any((parsed_args.wig_for, parsed_args.wig_rev)): raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "'--wig' option cannot be specified in the same time as" " '--wig-for' or '--wig-rev' options.") ########################### # Checking window options # ########################### group_one = (parsed_args.before, parsed_args.after, parsed_args.window) group_two = (parsed_args.start_col, parsed_args.stop_col) if all([v is None for v in itertools.chain(group_one, group_two)]): raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "[--window or [--before, --after] or [--start-col, --stop-col] options" " must be specified") elif any([v is not None for v in group_one]) and any([v is not None for v in group_two]): raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "Options [--before, --after, --window] and [--start-col, --stop-col] " "are mutually exclusives.") elif all([v is None for v in group_two]): if parsed_args.window is None: if any([v is None for v in (parsed_args.before, parsed_args.after)]): raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "The two options --after and --before work together." " The both options must be specified in same time") else: pass # window is None, before and after are specify # => nothing to do else: # parsed_args.window is not None: if any([v is not None for v in (parsed_args.before, parsed_args.after)]): raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "options [--before, --after] and --window are mutually exclusives.") else: # --before, --after are None parsed_args.before = parsed_args.after = parsed_args.window elif not all(group_two): raise argparse.ArgumentError(None, "The two options --start-col and --stop-col work together. " "The both options must be specified in same time") return parsed_args
[docs]def main(args=None, log_level=None): """ The entrypoint for craw_coverage script It will generate a coverage matrix around the position of interest and write the results in files :param args: the arguments and options given on the command line :type args: list of string as given by sys.argv without the program name :param log_level: the level of logger :type log_level: positive int or logging flag logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL """ args = sys.argv[1:] if args is None else args parsed_args = parse_args(args) if log_level is None: verbosity = max(logging.INFO + (parsed_args.quiet - parsed_args.verbose) * 10, 1) else: verbosity = log_level craw.init_logger(verbosity) ####################### # Parsing input files # ####################### with open(parsed_args.annot) as annot_file: annot_line_number = sum(1 for _ in annot_file) annot_parser = annotation.AnnotationParser(parsed_args.annot, parsed_args.ref_col, chr_col=parsed_args.chr_col, strand_col=parsed_args.strand_col, start_col=parsed_args.start_col, stop_col=parsed_args.stop_col, sep=parsed_args.sep) if parsed_args.bam: # input_data is a samfile input_file = parsed_args.bam input_data = pysam.AlignmentFile(parsed_args.bam, "rb") elif parsed_args.wig: # input_data is a wig.Genome object input_file = parsed_args.wig wig_parser = WigParser(mixed_wig=parsed_args.wig) input_data = wig_parser.parse() else: # input_data is a wig.Genome object input_file = parsed_args.wig_for wig_parser = WigParser(for_wig=parsed_args.wig_for, rev_wig=parsed_args.wig_rev) input_data = wig_parser.parse() annotations = annot_parser.get_annotations() ############################ # checking outputs options # ############################ if not parsed_args.output: parsed_args.output = os.path.splitext(input_file)[0] out_name = parsed_args.output suffix = parsed_args.suffix else: out_name, suffix = os.path.splitext(parsed_args.output) suffix = suffix.strip('.') if not suffix: suffix = parsed_args.suffix sense_file, antisense_file = get_results_file(parsed_args.sense, out_name, suffix) ########################### # Computing output matrix # ########################### with sense_file, antisense_file: header = get_result_header(annot_parser, parsed_args) if parsed_args.sense in ('S', 'split', 'mixed'): # if parsed_args.sense is mixed the sense_file and antisense_file are the same object print(header, file=sense_file) if parsed_args.sense in ('AS', 'split'): print(header, file=antisense_file) # get the appropriate function according to the input type # the 2 functions # - get_wig_coverage # - get_bam_coverage # have exactly the same api if parsed_args.justify: get_coverage = coverage.resized_coverage_maker(input_data, parsed_args.justify, qual_thr=None) elif parsed_args.sum: get_coverage = coverage.sum_coverage_maker(input_data, qual_thr=parsed_args.qual_thr) else: if parsed_args.window is not None: max_left = max_right = parsed_args.window elif parsed_args.before and parsed_args.after: max_left = parsed_args.before max_right = parsed_args.after else: max_left, max_right = annot_parser.max() get_coverage = coverage.padded_coverage_maker(input_data, max_left, max_right, qual_thr=parsed_args.qual_thr) for annot_num, annot_entry in enumerate(annotations, 1): if verbosity <= logging.INFO: progress(annot_num, annot_line_number) if parsed_args.start_col: # pos in get_coverage functions are # 0 based whereas in annotation they are 1 based # start is included, stop is excluded start = annot_entry.start - 1 stop = annot_entry.stop else: if annot_entry.strand == '+': start = annot_entry.ref - parsed_args.before - 1 stop = annot_entry.ref + parsed_args.after else: # if feature is on reverse strand # the before and after are inverted start = annot_entry.ref - parsed_args.after - 1 stop = annot_entry.ref + parsed_args.before forward_cov, reverse_cov = get_coverage(annot_entry, start=start, stop=stop) sens = 'S' if annot_entry.strand == '+' else 'AS' if sens == 'S': print(sens, annot_entry, *forward_cov, sep='\t', file=sense_file) else: print(sens, annot_entry, *forward_cov, sep='\t', file=antisense_file) sens = 'S' if annot_entry.strand == '-' else 'AS' if sens == 'S': print(sens, annot_entry, *reverse_cov, sep='\t', file=sense_file) else: print(sens, annot_entry, *reverse_cov, sep='\t', file=antisense_file) print(file=sys.stderr)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()